Sunday, June 10, 2012

We are on our way!

This past week has been a very exciting week!  Adam and I wanted to wait a bit to tell most of our friends that God had called us to adoption to make sure that we were approved first and we are very glad to announce... the cat is finally out of the bag!  We sent in our completed contract and the first half of the EAC adoption program fee last week so we are finally on our way!  The contract was huge and it took us a very long time to read and sign!  It kind of reminded me of buying a house and all the paperwork you have to fill out and this is just the beginning!  We received our EAC Ghana Adoption Guide and Registration pack in the mail over the weekend and it is 5 chapters long and about 250 pages so I will have a little light reading to complete over the next few days!  We are very excited and we give all praise and glory to God, our father who loves us enough to carry us through this!  We have two meetings this week that we would like for you to pray for.  The first meeting is on Wednesday with our international adoption agency and the second meeting is on Thursday with our local home study agency.  Please pray that we will ask all of the questions we need to and that the meetings will go smoothly.  We thank you for your prayers and we know that God is going to do amazing things through this adoption. 

(As reminded this morning at church)
Your co-worker in God's kingdom,

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